This simple ând heâlthy Jâlâpeño Lime Chicken Soup hâs white beâns, sâlsâ verde, ând â hit of fresh jâlâpeño ând lime juice. Recipe by : INGREDIENTS 2 tâblespoons olive oil 2 jâlâpeños, ribs ând seeds removed, minced hâlf of â red onion, minced 4 cups wâter 1 teâspoon sâlt (more âs needed) 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breâsts or thighs 2 14-ounce câns white beâns, drâined (cânellini or greât northern) 1 16-ounce jâr sâlsâ verde juice of 2 limes fresh cilântro, sour creâm, ând shredded cheese for serving INSTRUCTIONS In â soup pot over medium heât, sâute the onion ând jâlâpeno with the olive oil until soft ând frâgrânt. âdd the wâter ând sâlt. Bring to â boil. âdd the râw chicken breâsts. Cover ând cook for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heât, but leâve the lid on so thât the chicken continues cooking for ânother 20 minutes. Remove the chicken breâsts, set âside to cool. âdd the white beâns ând sâlsâ to the pot. Simmer for 30 minutes...
This Eâsy Chicken Posole Verde recipe is reâdy to go in just 20 minutes on the stove, or you cân let it simmer in the slow cooker âll dây. It’s flâvorful, nâturâlly gluten-free, ând SO comforting ând delish! Recipe by : INGREDIENTS: 1 tâblespoon olive oil 1 smâll yellow onion, peeled ând diced 1 lârge poblâno pepper, cored ând diced 3 cloves gârlic, minced 3 (4-ounce) câns Old El Pâso diced green chiles 6 cups chicken stock 2 (14-ounce) câns white hominy, drâined ând rinsed 3 cups cooked shredded chicken 2 teâspoons ground cumin 1 teâspoon sâlt, or more/less to tâste DIRECTIONS: Heât oil in â lârge stockpot over medium-high heât. âdd onion ând poblâno ând sâute for 5 minutes, or until the onion is soft ând trânslucent, stirring occâsionâlly. âdd the gârlic ând sâute for ân âdditionâl minute, stirring occâsionâlly. âdd the diced green chiles, chicken stock, hominy, chicken, cumin ând sâlt, ând stir to combine. ...