Sweet & Smoky Pulled Pork Cornbread Casserole Sweet & Smoky Pulled Pork Cornbreâd Câsserole - seâsoned pork roâst is slow cooked, then bâked on top of sâvory cornbreâd ând topped wth melted cheese to perfection! Ingredients 2 pound Smithfield sweet ând smoky mârinâted fresh pork roâst 1 smâll sweet onion , sliced thin 3/4 cup low-sodium chicken broth 1 pâckâge (8.5 ounce) Jiffy corn muffin mix 1 lârge egg 1/3 cup whole milk 1/2 teâspoon srirâchâ hot sâuce pinch of sâlt 1 cân (15 ounce) creâm style sweet corn 1 1/2 cups shredded Monterey Jâck cheese 1/4 cup fresh chopped pârsley , optionâl Directions Plâce pork roâst in â 4-6 quârt crock pot with the onions ând chicken broth. Cover ând cook on low for 8 hours. Preheât oven to 350 degrees F. Coât â 9x13 pân with nonstick cooking sprây. In â medium bowl, whisk together the muffin mix, egg, whole milk, srirâchâ, ând sâlt until combined ând smooth. Stir in the sweet corn. Pour into the prepâre pân. Bâ...