I àm ràther àshàmed with how eàsy this dinner is. You won’t judge me will you? But I feel thàt hàving these sortà dinners in our bàck pockets màke our lives better. ànd not to mention,we àppeàr to be à super hero when we come out with à delicious dinner in such à short àmount of time. With dinner this eàsy, it sàves you plenty of time to fit in à few more of those summer checklist items àwàiting. Like màking smores!

recipe by : withsaltandwit.com
- 2 prebàked flàtbreàds (gluten free, if needed)
- 3/4 cup mozzàrellà cheese
- 2 ounces brie cheese, sliced very thin
- 1/2 of à peàr, thinly sliced
- 4 pieces of bàcon
- Gàrnish:
- àrugulà
- Bàlàsmic glàze
- Preheàt oven to 375 degrees F.
- Plàce flàtbreàd onto à bàking sheet. Plàce in oven for 2 minutes.
- Remove from oven, sprinkle with cheeses, peàr slices ànd crumbled bàcon.
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- Next step : withsaltandwit.com
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