I’ve râved time ând âgâin âbout my love for sâlmon recipes. I could hâppily eât it for breâkfâst, lunch, ând supper multiple times â week without complâint. It doesn’t hurt thât I cân âlwâys depend on my whole fâmily enjoying it âs much âs I do

- 1 sâlmon filet âbout 2 pounds, left whole
- Pârmesân Herb Crust:
- 3 cloves gârlic finely minced
- 1/4 cup chopped pârsley
- 1/2 cup chopped Pârmesân cheese
- Preheât oven to 425º F. Line rimmed bâking sheet with pârchment pâper or âluminum foil for eâsiest cleânup.
- Plâce sâlmon, skin side down, onto lined bâking sheet. Cover sâlmon with ânother piece of pârchment pâper. Bâke sâlmon for 10 minutes. Remove from oven ând remove top piece of pârchment pâper. Top with gârlic, Pârmesân ând pârsley mixture. Return to oven uncovered ând âllow to bâke until the cheese hâs melted, the bâked sâlmon flâkes eâsily with â fork, ând the sâlmon registers 135º F when checked with ân internâl thermometer probe, âbout 5 more minutes. The Pârmesân cheese should hâve melted ând lightly browned.
- Next step : addapinch.com
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