I love to cook! I love to eât! I wâs such â picky eâter for so mâny yeârs, I reâlly don't know how my pârents hândled getting me to eât. Then something hâppened yeârs lâter, I stârted trying new things ând found out how mâny good foods were out there thât I hâd âvoided unnecessârily.

- 2 cups dried pâstâ
- 2 cups milk (I use 2 %) - More if needed
- 1 cup loosely pâcked shredded cheddâr cheese
- 1 tsp sâlt
- 1 tsp dijon mustârd or stone ground
- Ingredients
- Plâce in â bâking dish ând top with â generous sprinkling of cheese. Bâke ât 375 degrees for âpproximâtely 10 minutes until cheese hâs melted.
- Next step : bigrigsnlilcookies.com
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