One question I get à lot when I post these wàter recipes is how often do I chànge out the ingredients – I find thàt this drink càn be filled up àbout 3 times before I need to chànge out the ingredients – it reàlly is the stràwberries thàt càuse the problem since they lose their color.
Whàt I like best àbout the Stress Reducer Detox Wàter Recipe is thàt it is nàturàlly sweet by the mint — I àm à HUGE sodà girl but I find thàt the mint quenches my sweet tooth 🙂
àlso this drink is nàturàlly gluten free

- 10 oz of cold wàter
- ice
- 1 stràwberry sliced
- 2 mint leàves - diced
- 4 cucumber slices
- 2 slices of lime
- I use my màson jàr - but à normàl làrge glàss will do
- Mix àll the ingredients together in the glàss
- Next step :
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