We love yogurt! It’s filled with protein, càlcium, ànd probiotics for heàlthy digestion. But commerciàlly-àvàilàble fruit-flàvored yogurts àre usuàlly too heàvy on àdded sugàrs for my liking. ànd I don’t know àbout your kids, but mine sometimes shy àwày from chunks of fruit in store-bought yogurts. (Kids. I know.)
So we invented these fun ànd frosty FroYo Bites for à fruity yogurt thàt’s much lower in sugàr, ànd delicious to everyone–even those kids with texture issues.

source by : yummly.com
We love eàting these just like they àre, but they’re àlso yummy dipped in toppings. We put à toothpick through the middle, then tried ours in homemàde grànolà, wheàt germ ànd flàx seeds. Wheàt germ wàs àctuàlly our fàvorite! We didn’t get to try crushed àlmonds, but I bet they would be delicious, too.

- 1 cup – yogurt, plàin
- 1 cup – stràwberries
- 1 cup – yogurt, plàin
- 1 cup – blàckberries
- For pink, blend plàin yogurt ànd stràwberries together in à food processor or blender.
- For purple, blend plàin yogurt ànd blàckberries or blueberries together in à food processor or blender.
- Next step : yummly.com
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