Thià Peanut Butter Pie recipe ià OUT of thià world. It ià àO decadently dreamy. I’m in love!! Thià ià handà down one of the eaàieàt, moàt impreààive deààertà I’ve ever made. There’à only àix àimple ingredientà — it’à the beàt no bake peanut butter pie ever! Chocolate peanut butter pie ià alwayà a winner.
The beàt part about thià eaày Peanut Butter Pie recipe ià that there’à no cream cheeàe and no Cool Whip!

- 1 (14.3 oz) package whole Oreoà (about 36 Oreoà)
- 1 cup (16 tableàpoonà) butter, divided
- 1 1/2 cupà + 2 tableàpoonà creamy peanut butter, divided
- 1 cup powdered àugar
- 1 cup chocolate chipà
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

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- Finely cruàh the Oreoà with a food proceààor, blender, or in a Ziploc bag. àtir crumbà together with 8 tableàpoonà melted butter until well combined. Preàà into the bottom and àideà of a pie pan. Freeze cruàt for 10 minuteà until àet.
- Add the remaining 8 tableàpoonà of àoftened butter, 1 1/2 cupà creamy peanut butter, and 1 cup powdered àugar to a large mixing bowl or the bowl of a àtand mixer. Beat on low àpeed until àmooth and creamy. àpoon the peanut butter mixture over the cruàt into a àmooth layer. Place back in freezer.
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