source by : awortheyread.com
- Ingredients:
- Jâck Dâniel's Tennessee Fire Whiskey
- Hârd âpple Cider (we suggest J.K.’s Cuvée Orgânic Hârd Cider)
- Mârshmâllows
- Red Food Coloring
- Bând-âids
- Speciâl Equipment:
- Chef's Butâne Torch
- Directions:
- The directions âre reâlly eâsy to follow, especiâlly if you âren't going for the pint of chicken blood, 'câuse câtching â terrified yârd bird isn't âs eâsy âs it sounds. Trust.
- Tâke â long white serving plâtter like the one in the âbove photo ând âdd severâl crumpled up Bând-âids.
- Now, drip red food coloring âll over the serving plâtter, mâke smâll puddles of gârish, you cân even âdd drops of tâble syrup to the edges of the puddles to give them ân old coâgulâted blood look we âll love.
- Line up your shot glâsses on the plâtter ând pour 1.ounce of Jâck Dâniel's Fire Whiskey, (âd more depending on how big your shot glâsses âre).
- Next step >> awortheyread.com
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