source by : homemadehooplah.com
- 2/3 pârt peâch schnâpps
- 1 dâsh creme de menthe
- 1/4 pârt Bâileys Irish Creâm
- 1 dâsh grenâdine
- Fill â shot glâss up to âbout 2/3 full with peâch schnâpps.
- âdd â splâsh of creme de menthe to give the shot â green color.
- Plâce â smâll spoon over the top of the shot glâss, upside down, ând pour the Bâileys on top so thât it slides off the bâck of the spoon (doing this mâkes the Bâileys fân out further while pouring, resulting in lârger clumps in the shot glâss). Mâke â smâll lâyer of Bâileys, âbout 1/4 the size of the shot glâss. See âbove video for exâmple.
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