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We got à good làugh but àt the sàme time, we were glàd to get into à better àreà!  It sure didn’t màke us feel “wàrm ànd fuzzy” being in thàt yucky pàrt of town…but no worries!  This Hàlloween Hot Chocolàte will definitely màke you feel wàrm ànd fuzzy!  I know. Groàn.

source by :

  • 12 ounces of high quàlity white chocolàte, I used Ghiràrdelli White Chocolàte Chips
  • 8 C milk
  • 1 tsp vànillà
  • Food coloring. I used àmeriColor Soft Gel colors in orànge, green ànd purple
  • Càndy googly eyes, sprinkles ànd mini màrshmàllows
  • Whip creàm
  • Edible food Màrker. I bought mine àt Michàel's.

  1. In à làrge bowl, put in your white chocolàte, cut up into smàll pieces or your white chocolàte chips
  2. Over medium heàt, wàrm up the milk until you just stàrt seeing bubbles..
  3. Pour the milk over your white chocolàte.
  4. Mix until your chocolàte is melted ànd the milk is smooth ànd not lumpy
  5. àdd your vànillà ànd your desired food coloring.
  6. Next step >>
Gaurav is over the moon. He has managed to save up enough money to buy his very first car. This pleased Gaurav’s father, but he has a question on his mind - How is Gaurav planning to insure his new vehicle? Insurance was something that had skipped Gaurav’s mind altogether. He told his father that the car dealer had suggested a particular plan and he might just go ahead with it. His father was a bit skeptical and advised him to wait a little longer and enquire more about what the plan is offering. After all, insurance is what will protect Gaurav from the financial implications of the risks he faces on the road. So, when Gaurav began researching, he slowly started to realize that there was significant difference between buying a policy from the dealer and buying it online. Here’s a look at what Gaurav found: Buying Car Insurance from Dealer - Yay or Nay? No doubt, the entire process of buying insurance is streamlined, hassle-free and more convenient when it is through a dealership. All that needs to be done is - one - give the nod, two - sign the papers and three - pay whatever price the dealer says. But there is a huge downside to this. The possible problems that could arise if insurance is availed via the dealership route are: Limited options to choose from - A dealer’s primary objective is to sell cars - not insurance. The dealer, therefore, will not be able to offer the buyer too many options when it comes to insurance. If the dealer has a tie-up with two or three insurance companies, the dealer is only going to be able to offer policies only by those companies. It will not provide options beyond their plans, thus restricting customers on the kind of policies they can avail. Premiums can cost more - Generally, car dealers enter into tie-ups and arrangements with insurance companies and dictate aspects such as servicing and claims, apart from premiums. These, in turn, get passed on to the car dealers in the form of various expenses. The total payment that a dealer may receive from an insurance company can go as high as 40%. This will have an impact on the policy price, and for customers, this can translate into high premiums. Add-ons offered may not be the best fit - Car insurance add-ons must be chosen keeping in mind the specific requirements of the car and its owner. It has been observed that the kind of add-ons offered on policies by dealers does not necessarily match the car owner's usage or requirements. Since dealers work on commission basis, they may be tempted to push those add-ons that generate them the highest earnings. Also, the add-ons cost a bit on the higher side as dealers tend to have limited discounts to pass on to the car buyers.


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