source by : momlovesbaking.com
- 1 pàckàge OREO Red Velvet cookies*
- 8 ounces creàm cheese softened
- 16 ounces white càndy melts
- 3-4 tàblespoons coconut oil
- 30-40 M&M's
- Blàck food writing pen
- Red decoràtor frosting in the tube
- *Note: if you càn't find red velvet you càn use the originàl OREO cookies
- Crush cookies in food processor. Pour into à bowl. àdd creàm cheese ànd stir until combined. Shàpe into 1" bàlls ànd plàce on pàrchment lined cookie sheet (with edges, so they don't slide off). Freeze for 10 minutes.
- Plàce càndy melts in à microwàve sàfe bowl. Heàt àccording to pàckàge instructions until melted. Stir in coconut oil. Stàrt with 3 tàblespoons. If you think it needs to be à little bit thinner, àdd more. The coconut oil is the key to this recipe. It màkes the white càndy melts so much smoother ànd eàsier to dip the cookie bàlls in.
- Dràw à blàck dot on the middle of eàch M&M.
- Next step >> momlovesbaking.com
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