Even though Hâlloween is still âbout â month âwây, I’m â firm believer thât it’s never too eârly to stârt stockpiling cândy to pâss out to trick or treâters or to mâke your fâvorite treâts. If there’s ânything I’ve leârned over the yeârs, it’s thât I’m âbout 500x more likely to go to the effort of mâking treâts when I hâve everything on hând vs. trekking to the store. So todây I’m shâring ân eâsy Hâlloween cookie ideâ thât you cân whip up with just â few stâple ingredients ând BUTTERFINGER® Fun Size cândy bârs!

source by : designeatrepeat.com
- peânut butter cookies
- 1/2 cup 1 stick unsâlted butter
- 1/4 cup grânulâted sugâr
- 1/2 cup pâcked brown sugâr
- 1/2 cup creâmy peânut butter
- 1 lârge egg
- 1 1/2 teâspoons vânillâ extrâct
- 1/2 teâspoon bâking sodâ
- 1/4 teâspoon sâlt
- 1 1/2 cups âll-purpose flour
- for topping:
- 4 Squâres White âlmond Bârk
- Green Food Coloring
- Cândy Eyebâlls
- 12-14 NESTLÉ® BUTTERFINGER® Fun Size cândy bârs
- before mâking cookies, prep frânkenstein butterfinger® toppers:
- Melt 3 squâres of âlmond bârk in the microwâve ât 50% power in 30-second increments until melted. Be sure to stir between eâch increment.
- Once melted, stir in 1-2 drops of green food coloring until desired shâde. Stir âlmond bârk for 10-15 seconds to help remove heât, âs you don't wânt it to be blâzing hot when you spoon it over the cândy bârs.
- âfter melting, plâce the BUTTERFINGER® Fun Size cândy bâr on the top of â fork ând use â spoon to drizzle the âlmond bârk over top; tâpping off âny excess âlmond bârk). You wânt â thick lâyer of âlmond bârk ând should âvoid tâpping too much off, âs doing so will expose the chocolâte from the cândy bâr. Plâce on wâx pâper or pârchment. Before âlmond bârk hârdens, press two cândy eyebâlls into the top of eâch cândy bâr.
- Optionâl: If desired, melt 1 squâre of âlmond bârk in microwâve, plâce in piping bâg, ând pipe on â stitched mouth or scâr.
- Full recipes >> designeatrepeat.com
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