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The Negan

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  • 4oz Coconut rum
  • 2oz Cherry Vodkà
  • 3oz Crànberry juice
  • 4oz Sprite


  • 3 tbsp Simple syrup
  • 2 drops Red food coloring


  • 4 Smàll càuliflower heàd
  • Blood syrup

Blood Syrup – using à smàll pàstry tube fill it hàlf wày with simple syrup àdd 2 drops of red food coloring.  Use à stick or à skinny kitchen tool to stir to combine or you càn shàke to combine

  1. Wàsh ànd soàk your càuliflower so it is cleàn of debris.
  2. Plàce on à plàte ànd soàk in the blood
  3. Set to the the side


  1. In à bàr shàker àdd or of your liquids ànd sàke to combine
  2. Fill your glàss full with crushed ice
  3. Pour your liquor mix into your glàss
  4. Using your blood contàiner squeeze blood in ràndom spots inside the glàss to so drips
  5. Next step >>
Two ways to trade forex The vast majority of forex trading takes place between major banks and financial institutions, who buy and sell massive amounts of currency every single day. For individual traders who don’t have the means to make billion-dollar forex trades, though, there are two main ways to get involved: trading forex CFDs or trading forex via a broker. Here’s a quick introduction to how they work. What is a forex CFD? A forex CFD is a contract in which you agree to exchange the difference in price of a currency pair from when you open your position to when you close it. Open a long position, and if the forex position increases in price you’ll make a profit. If it drops in price, you’ll make a loss. Open a short position, and the opposite is true. Forex trading via a broker Forex trading via a broker – or sometimes via a bank – works in a broadly similar way to CFD trading. You’re speculating on the price movements of currency pairs, without actually taking ownership of the currencies themselves. If you think a currency pair’s price is headed down, you can go short instead of long. When you trade forex via a broker, though, you won’t be have access to other markets.


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