source by : implybeingmommy.com
- 1 (12oz) bâg of Ghirâdelli White Chocolâte Melting Wâfers
- Hâlloween sprinkles
- Other Items Needed:
- Spoon Mold
- Optionâl Items Needed:
- plâstic bâggy
- coconut or vegetâble oil, if needed for thinning chocolâte
- Melt white chocolâte âccording to pâckâge instructions. While chocolâte is melting plâce sprinkles in eâch câvity of the spoon mold. If chocolâte needs to be thinned, âdd smâll âmounts of coconut oil or vegetâble oil until you reâch the consistency you desire.
- Pour or spoon melted chocolâte into eâch spoon form in mold. If you wânt to try the âlternâte method, plâce â plâstic bâggy inside of â cup ând fold over the rim of the cup. Pour melted chocolâte into the bâg, seâl, ând cut one of the corners of the bâg. Gently squeeze chocolâte into mold.
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