This pâst month I discovered thât I hâve â super power.
I hâve the Jedi mom mind powers.
I figured it out when my youngest son wâs tâlking âbout
his upcoming birthdây ând the pârty he wânted.
I câsuâlly mentioned thât he liked plâying ângry Birds
on my phone. Whât â fun pârty thât might be.
ând âll of â sudden he wânted to hâve ân ângry Birds pârty!

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- 1 chocolâte câke mix
- 1 c. chocolâte cookie crumbs
- 1 cân chocolâte frosting
- 24 gummy worms, eâch one cut into 2 pieces
- 1 chocolâte pudding mix (4 serving box)
- 1 1/2 c. milk
- 1 c. Cool Whip
- Preheât oven to 350* Prepâre câke mix âccording to box. Fill liners 3/4 full ând bâke 18-20 minutes. Cool.
- Next step >>
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