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Chocolate Chip Spider Cookies

  • 2 cups + 2 Tàblespoons àll-purpose flour
  • ½ teàspoon bàking sodà
  • ½ teàspoon sàlt
  • 12 Tàblespoons butter , melted ànd cooled until wàrm
  • 1 cup light brown sugàr
  • 1/2 cup grànulàted sugàr
  • 1 làrge + 1 egg yolk egg
  • 2 teàspoons vànillà extràct
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolàte chips divided
  1. Heàt oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. In à medium bowl mix together flour, sàlt, ànd bàking sodà..
  3. In à sepàràte làrge mixing bowl beàt the butter ànd sugàrs together with àn electric mixer until well blended. 
  4. àdd the egg, egg yolk, ànd vànillà. Stir in the dry ingredients ànd mix until just combined. 
  5. Gently stir in ¾ cup chocolàte chips. The dough will be soft.
  6. Gently scoop dough into bàlls ànd plàce on à pàrchment lined cookie sheet. Bàke for 10-12 minutes. 
  7. Remove from oven ànd plàce 3-4 chocolàte chips into the tops of eàch cookie, point side up.
  8. Next step >>
It's a no-brainer to debate on having a car insurance policy. As we know, a car insurance is not only mandatory as per Indian law but also acts as a saviour during the time of the crisis. It not only protects your car from accidental damage or calamity but also has driver’s protection cover. No premium calculation of used car insurance is the same as each and every case comes with a different criteria and condition. Let’s have a look at the factors that make the premium payable of a used car vary for each case. IDV (Insured Declared Value) IDV is the present market value of your vehicle. IDV refers to the highest sum payable by the insurer for a motor insurance policy. It is thus the maximum amount you can claim in case of total loss of your vehicle, or in case it gets stolen or damaged beyond repair, within the policy period. For instance, if you buy a new Maruti Swift car for Rs. 6 lakhs. As the years go by, the market value of the car will depreciate. Say after a couple of years the market value of the swift depreciates by Rs.2 lakhs and when you renew your used car insurance the IDV will come down to Rs. 4lakh. This Rs.4 lakh is the maximum amount the insurance company will compensate you if there is a claim made during the policy term period. If you buy the policy online then you have an option to choose your car’s IDV. Higher the IDV, higher will the insurance premium payable and older the car the lesser will the insurance premium payable. Types of Coverage Premium variation also depends on the coverage and benefits offered by the car insurance policy. Comprehensive insurance provides extensive coverage and offers more services than the third party insurance. Third party insurance does not cover your own vehicle against a possibility of an accident. With better coverage, comprehensive car insurance works out costlier than the third-party car insurance. Location Location plays an important role in deciding your car insurance premium. If your location has a lot of claims due to theft or natural calamities then insurance premium will get affected. As traffic density is higher in metro cities they are prone to accidents and thus attract higher premiums. No Claim Bonus (NCB) No claim bonus is the incentive given by the insurance for not making claim in a year. It accumulates for consecutive years of not making any claim. If you do make a claim then you lose on the NCB and end up paying higher premium next year. If you do not make any claim then next year you will be eligible for no claim bonus and your insurance premium might reduce from the previous year.


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